Your Daily Life in GIFs (2.17.14)

You thinking about that thing you’re supposed to do:

When someone asks how your ex is doing:

When your significant other is mad at you and you have no idea why:

When your best friend is giving more attention to someone other than yourself:

When you realize the person you’re talking to isn’t wearing deodorant:

Showing off your new shoes:

Trying to read someone’s text over their shoulder:

When you realize the candy you’re eating is sugar free:

When someone asks you to help them study:

You and your best friend after you make a really witty comment:

When it’s after midnight and you’re not sure whether to say “today” or “tomorrow:”

When you drop something and try to catch it before it hits the ground:

When you see someone using the pencil you lost:

Trying to put on skinny jeans:

When you see stupid statuses on Facebook and you try your best not to make rude, sarcastic comments:

You still don’t have a boyfriend:

Most of these come from herehere and here. I came up with some on my own.

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