Your Daily Life in GIFs (3.31.14)

The female body, once a month:

When someone critiques what you’re eating while you’re eating it:

Walking into the club with all your friends:

Waking up after sleeping in your makeup:

Walking around in public with a wedgie you can’t fix:

How you feel about shopping at the mall:

How you feel about shopping online:

Your life:

When your family starts fighting and you’re just like:

Biting your cheek:

“What do you plan to do with your future:”

When you see your food coming:

When your food arrives:

When your alarm goes off on a Saturday:

When you lose your phone on your bed and you can’t find it:

When you’re so sad even food can’t comfort you:

Most of these come from herehere and here. I came up with some on my own.

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