Sunday Web Links (12.12.10)

Tis the season for giving, as they say. Well, in that spirit I’d like to give a few shout-outs to a few great online humor sources. If you like things over here at Pleated-Jeans, then chances are you’ll like these Internet gems as well:

Crimes Against Hugh’s Manatees

Hugh brings you a delightful and visually interesting comic pretty much everyday of the week. Consistently funny and sometimes thought-provoking, he’s definitely worth bookmarking.

The Bluth Company

The Bluth Company is a great Web source for everything Arrested Development. Many of the AD screencaps you see here from this awesome site.

How Things Even Out

Jack Handey (of SNL Deep Thoughts fame) is something of a comedy hero to me. He is a frequent contributor to the The New Yorker humor section. One of my favorite articles he’s written is How Things Even Out. You can check out a full list of his New Yorker articles here.